Allow us to help make your

Wedding Reception Rehearsal Dinner Engagement Party Wedding Shower


Wedding Catering

Our team of dedicated professionals is committed to providing you with an unsurpassed culinary experience. We are the premier off-premise wedding caterer within 50 miles of Portsmouth, New Hampshire. Casual or elegant, we create memorable moments. Our event coordinators & culinary team customize the perfect menu and provide an intimate and unique experience with your budget in mind. We are thoughtful when creating allergy friendly items at your request. We deliver high quality, delectable food to every event we service, and can accommodate guest size at any scale.

Culinary Selections

The photos above represent just a fraction of our culinary capabilities. Our team of talented chefs can prepare delightful and tantalizing dishes from virtually any culinary tradition you can name. While our event coordinators will work hand in hand with you to craft a menu tailor made to your tastes and specifications, we’ve prepared menus featuring a selection of some of our favorite dishes to help inspire you.

Let's Start Planning

We could keep talking about ourselves and the wonderful weddings we’ve catered until we’re blue in the face, but we know you’ve got plenty of other things to arrange before your big day. Give us your contact information below, some basic information about your event, and anything else you think we need to know and one of our talented event coordinators will get in touch soon to help you check catering off of your list.


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